
Spa Relancer has a modern radiological center that boasts all imaging tests, including computerized tomography scan and it is 100% digital! DBI Clinic aims to integrate all of the diagnosis of specialties in order to guarantee that patients have the most accurate diagnosis of Oral Alterations and Pathologies.

We believe that excellence in diagnosis consists of a detailed anamnesis, which not only evaluates the oral cavity, but all information and signs that the body shows in certain pathologies, as many oral alterations are accompanied by systemic changes or they can also be the first sign of some pathology of systemic disorder. We also believe in the importance of imaging tests, so we provide thehighest quality imaging services in X-rays andCT scans, with experienced professionals who will provide an excellent and humanized service,in order to have superior images andto minimize patient discomfort in some tests, such as intraoral X-ray.